Seminars and Conferences

One of our passions is to take topical seminars to the Body of Christ throughout the world, equipping and training the saints for the work of the ministry.  These are audio recordings of some of them that we have done over the years.  If you would be interested in hosting one of our seminars or conferences, please let us know.  We'd love to consider and pray about coming to your area.

All of the material presented here may either be listened to online or downloaded as an MP3 for listening on a different device.   Some of our seminars incorporate handouts or Power Point presentations, in which case links to those assets are also included.  For better comprehension, it is suggested that you listen to the sessions in the order presented, as the later sessions usually build on what was shared in the earlier ones.

In some cases, we condensed a six or eight week course into a seminar format and taught it over one or two weekends or at an international conference.  In that event, you'll find links to the orignal course.  The material will be the same in principle so there will be some overlap, but we tailor our courses and seminars to each specific audience, so there will be some unique material in either format.

Nehemiah - The Agony of Caring

This transformational teaching from the book of Nehemiah was presented at the 1987 Fountain Gate Ministries Pastor's Conference by Dr. Sam Sasser.  Though it was presented over thirty years ago, its message is timeless and more relevant than ever in today's toxic society.  For anyone interested in a historical look into the Old Testament and a deep revelation of how the Lord unfolds the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, this seminar is an imperative.

The Authority of the Believer

What does the Bible really teach about authority and how it should be used?  In this seminar, we ask some challenging questions about some deeply held traditional concepts concerning authority.  We also stir faith and lay a Biblical foundation for grabbing hold of the delegated authority we have been given in Christ.

Could God be Longing for More?

We often think of our worship in terms of what it does for us,  but have we ever really thought about how God views what we offer Him?  This seminar brings new revelation into the first part of our Principles of Worship course.  It focuses on our role as priests and Biblical expressions of praise.

Could God be Longing for More - Part 2

This seminar follows "Could God be Longing for More?" and covers in greater depth the last few sessions of Principles of Worship.  We look at the Bibical pattern of worship as seen in Moses' Tabernacle, then look at the foreshadowing of New Testament worship revealed through David's Tabernacle.

Kingdom Thinking in a Religious World

With so much theological information available, developing a kingdom perspective can be daunting. This seminar explores some of the differences between a religious mindset and kingdom thinking.

Removing the Graveclothes Bootcamp

This seminar introduces the five major areas of bondage in the life of a Christian that war against the abundant life that Jesus came to provide.  It presents the need for ministry in all five areas in order to experience greater healing and freedom.