All Resources: Tagged Trust
Overcoming Disappointment in Articles
21 Oct, 2018
Food for Thought
There is many a time in our walk with God when we must remind ourselves that if our hearts are surrendered and we are seeking Him in our attitudes and actions, in our plans and decisions, then our steps are indeed ordered of the Lord.
Leaving Haran in Articles
21 Oct, 2018
Food for Thought
Have you ever felt as Abram must have felt when he prepared to turn his back on Haran and step out into the vast unknown? So often we think the first person God spoke to about the land of Canaan was Abram, later called Abraham.
Is It Good or Is It God? in Articles
21 Oct, 2018
Food for Thought
Both Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25 reveal to us that, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." There are many things we consider on a daily basis which may seem good or right or spiritual, and may be the way things are normally done.