The Tabernacle of David
David was an Old Testament king with a New Testament revelation of worship. He was the first to establish many principles of worship that survive to this day, releasing hundreds of thousands of believers into expressive, extravagant praise.
God said through the disciple Luke that He would restore the Tabernacle of David so that the rest of mankind would seek the Lord (Acts 15:16-17). Much can be learned about becoming a worshiper in Spirit and Truth by studying David's life.
This course introduces David's Tabernacle and looks at the life of king David and his passion to bring the presence of God back to his people. We examine his mistakes and his successes in the hopes that we can learn from them as we seek to experience the full manifestation of God in our own lives.
For a more in depth look, we also offered a course that looks at 14 Principles that king David established when he brought the ark of God to Mount Zion.
Session 1 - Historical Foundation
Most believers have heard of the tabernacle that Moses erected in the wilderness. Many, however, don't realize that David also built a tabernacle. However, it was with a New Testament understanding of what God intends for His people. This session introduces David's tabernacle and how David came to construct it.
Session 2 - Preparation of a Leader
This session focuses on the season of preparation that David went through between the time he was anointed as king and the time he ascended his throne.
Session 3 - After the Ark - the Wrong Way
David made two attempts to return the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. This session looks at his first, failed, attempt to return it and some of the reasons that it was unsuccessful.
Session 4 - Bringing up the Ark
This session looks at the successful return of the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem and some of the principles that David established.
Session 5 - David's Exhortation
Once the ark was in it's place, David exhorted the people and established a new order of worship. This session examines his admonition.
Session 6 - David's Tabernacle
This session takes a deeper look at David's tabernacle and emphasizes some of its unique characteristics.
Session 7 - Two Tabernacles
This session compares and contrasts the tabernacle of David with the tabernacle of Moses.
Session 8 - Zion
The tabernacle of David was erected on Mount Zion, and is referred to in the New Testament. This session looks at the prophetic fulfillment of David's tabernacle in the Book of Hebrews,