Digging for Silver in the Word

Digging for Silver in the Word

1 Jan, 2018

Proverbs 2:1-5 declares that the value in searching for wisdom and understanding is "as silver."  Nowhere else in all of literature is the wisdom of God so succinctly contained as in the Bible.  To know the Lord, one must know His book.

    My son, if you receive my words, And treasure my commands within you,
    2 So that you incline your ear to wisdom,
    And apply your heart to understanding;
    3 Yes, if you cry out for discernment,
    And lift up your voice for understanding,
    4 If you seek her as silver,
    And search for her as for hidden treasures;
    5 Then you will understand the fear of the LORD,
    And find the knowledge of God.

Knowledge of the Bible is essential for Christian growth.  We are admonished to "study to show ourselves approved, workmen that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth," (2 Tim 2:15 KJV).   However, most of us don't have the time or resources to attend a formal training institution.  Yet deep and meaningful Bible study is possible to anyone who is willing to spend even a few short minutes a day when given the right tools.

This course is designed to lay out some foundational principles for personal Bible study in the hopes that, through diligent study of the Scriptures, the average Christian will develop a deep and abiding relationship with our incomparable Savior.

Session 1 - The Bible is God's Word

God has given us a written record that details His interaction with mankind. Tragically, as man has "progressed," the understanding that the Scriptures are divinely inspired has decreased. This session emphasizes the Divine authorship of the Scriptures..

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Session 2 - Benefits and Principles of Study

This session lays out some helpful principles of study and helps us understand what can be gained through a diligent and disciplined approach to searching the Scriptures.

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Session 3 - Methods of Study - Part 1

Two broad categories of Bible study are introduced, Synthetic and Inductive, and some definitions of each are given.  We go on to explore some different kinds of inductive study.

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Session 4 - Methods of Study - Part 2

This session continues with methods of Bible study, introducing exegetical, cultural and historical, as well as word studies.

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Session 5 - Study Tools and Resources

Some "old school" tools and reference materials that can enhance our study are introduced.  With the development of the internet, many of these resources are now available electronically, some at no cost, and there are many other resources that can be quickly and thoroughly searched by the average student.

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Session 6 - Bible Interpretation - Spiritual Principles

To properly understand the Scriptures, we must understand that there are two elements at work, spiritual and linguistic. This session explores the spiritual aspect of Bible interpretation and emphasizes that the Bible cannot be properly interpreted apart from the revelation of the Holy Spirit.

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Session 7 - Bible Interpretation - Linguistic Principles

This session emphasizes the linguistic aspect of Bible interpretation; studying in the proper context, properly defining words, grammatical structure, author's purpose, and historical and cultural background.

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Session 8 - Symbols and Types

It is important to understand that much of what we read in Scripture has a deeper meaning than simply the literal interpretation of the words used by the authors. This session introduces the subject of symbols, types, and shadows in Scripture.

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Session 9 - Walking in Revelation

A thorough understanding of the Scripture reveals that God's intent was never for His people to be living according to a religious formula, but in intimate communion with Him. This necessitates the revelation of the Holy Spirit.

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