Hearing the Voice of God

Hearing the Voice of God

28 Aug, 2018

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice."  (John 10:27).  Sadly, many modern believers have difficulty recognizing the voice of God when He longs for them to hear it.

Some have taught that God stopped speaking once the Scriptures were in place and that God's revelation of Himself is complete.  Others have proclaimed that the only way that God speaks is through the Bible.

This course examines what the Bible teaches about God's voice, and helps the believer develop a confidence that He not only can, but should regularly, personally hear from God in a multitude of ways.

Session 1 - God Speaks to People

This session provides the Biblical foundation for the reality that God still speaks to people today.

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Session 2 - How God Speaks

Many people have difficulty hearing God because they are unfailiar with how He speaks.  This session gives some helpful information.

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Session 3 - Keys to Accurate Discerning

This session gives some keys for how to filter out God's voice from all the other voices that clamor for our attention.

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Session 4 - Preparing a Place to Hear

Hearing God requires preparation.  This session helps the student understand how to put himself in a position to hear clearly from the Lord.

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Session 5 - Misconceptions About Prophecy

There are many different ideas about prophecy floating around in the Church world.  This session seeks to clear up some of the misconceptions.

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Session 6 - Final Considerations

This session summarizes the course and offers a few more things to think about.

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